Planet Heart


Look around. The world is rotting. Society is strangling itself, suffocating everything raw, real, and untamed. Progress? A lie. A facade built to keep people sedated while the same archaic ideologies fester underneath repackaged as something new. The pseudo-powerful cling to their ruins. Trump, Musk, Putin, Netanyahu—ghosts of a system that should have died long ago. They brand themselves as visionaries but see only their distorted reflections. They talk about Mars while Earth decays. Leaving behind a planet teeming with life to live inside steel coffins on a wasteland? “One of the dumbest ideas ever conceived.” And yet, they push forward, desperate to maintain control. But their world is cracking. The ones who claim righteousness, who dictate normalcy, who define beauty and acceptability—they are the ones who have stopped evolving. Their control is an illusion, their ‘normality’ a graveyard of obsolete ideas. They are the true outsiders now. They manipulate perception. Social media is not social. It is sedation, a curated prison built by men like Zuckerberg to keep minds dormant. They sell obedience as a connection. But their control is slipping. The music is changing. They are turning on each other, rewriting their own rules just to survive. They are ghettoizing themselves in their decay. Their resistance doesn’t halt evolution—it accelerates it. Every restriction, every suppression, every desperate attempt to contain change only feeds the fire. The more they tighten their grip, the faster they crumble. This is no longer a debate. It is a reckoning. It is destruction versus creation. The inevitable versus the obsolete. The future belongs to those who refuse to be defined. Bodies mutate. Aesthetics are liberated. Tattoos, piercings, implants—total physical self-determination. Gender is fluid. Identity is self-sculpted. Fashion is no longer a category. It is armour. It is defiance. Masculine, feminine, both, neither—meaningless labels for minds still enslaved to the past. We reject them all. Religion is no longer a unifier. It has become a blade, dividing instead of connecting. It is wielded by self-proclaimed emissaries of God—men who craft rules to serve their power. Faith has been hijacked, and repurposed as a weapon to separate, to suppress, to control. Spirituality should be a path to enlightenment, not a leash. The more we see through this facade, the weaker their grip becomes. Their reign is dying. And we are the ones holding the shovel. So tell me, who is fading? Those who evolve, or those who desperately cling to a crumbling past? We are not the outliers. They are. They are fossils, cemented in time. We are the storm that will wash them away. “You must never stop shaking the system. Conformity is the death of freedom.” – David Bowie. We shake. We demolish. We rewrite. The choice is simple: transform or be left behind.


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